Advising Services

Students in front of Karl Miller Center

Front Desk Services

For general information and quick questions, visit our front desk services. A staff or student member can chat with you and provide information, resources, and help schedule an appointment with an International Student Advisor.

Virtual Front Desk Hours
Monday - Friday 11:00am - 1:00pm

Access the Virtual Front Desk

In-person Front Desk Hours (Summer)
Karl Miller Center, Suite 660
Monday to Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm
University Center Building, Suite 400
Monday to Friday from 9:00am - 3:00pm

Who is my advisor?

  • Students with F-1 visa: We do not have assigned advisors, but we divide document review requests based on PSU ID so that requests can be processed consistently for all students.
    You can meet with any International Student Advisor whose availability fits your schedule, but we encourage you to meet with the advisor who will be working on your request if possible.
    Last digit of PSU ID and advisor:
    0, 7 - Christine Igarta
    1, 4, 8 - Jonna Lynn Bransford
    2, 3, 9 - Csendi Hopp
    5, 6 - Joshua Davis 
  • New transfer students: Meet with Joshua Davis
  • Students with J-1 visa: You can meet with any International Student advisor for questions about your J-1 status. For specific questions about your exchange program, see the advisor who manages your exchange program.
  • Sponsored Students: For questions about your scholarship, email You can meet with any International Student advisor for questions about your F-1 or J-1 status.
  • Visiting Scholars: Visiting scholars, faculty, and researchers on the J-1 visa should make an appointment with David Brandt.

New and prospective students: If you have questions about applying to PSU, transcripts, the English language requirement, or other admissions questions, contact the International Admissions office.

Make an appointment

To see all available appointment times (not advisor specific):

  1. Follow the link for International Student Advisors or Student Life Advisors
  2. On the advisor list page, scroll to the bottom to choose "No Preference."
  3. Select a time from the calendar.
  4. Enter your details and reserve the appointment.

Meet an International Student Advisor:

Meet a Student Life Advisor

To meet with a particular advisor, use the profiles below.

Advising Team