Project Background and Overview

Oregon’s Senate Bill 90 (SB90), signed into law and effective as of July 1, 2017, requires the Oregon Office of the State Chief Information Officer (OSCIO) to draft a proposal for an Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE). To assist with the process of drafting the proposal for this high-priority initiative and fulfill the requirements set out in the bill, the OSCIO engaged Portland State University’s Center for Public Service (CPS) to help decision-makers gather evidence and further understand where the CCoE might direct its work. The purpose of the resulting project was to carry out a comprehensive research plan that addressed the state of cybersecurity in Oregon across the state and assess efforts in other states that may fit with Oregon’s goals and needs.

Collaboratively with OSCIO and the newly created Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council (OCAC), CPS conducted the following research activities from August-December 2017:

  • A policy analysis of cybersecurity efforts in other states;
  • An online survey of Oregon organizations regarding their cybersecurity policies, processes, staffing, and needs;
  • Cross-sector focus groups with cybersecurity professionals throughout Oregon;
  • A catalog of current funding opportunities for potential CCoE activities; and
  • An inventory of cybersecurity resources that currently exist in Oregon

Download the Full Needs Assessment | View the Executive Summary

Research team

  • Rebecca Craven, MPA, Project Manager
  • Jess Daly, MPP, Policy Analyst
  • Elizabeth Gray, Graduate Student, Project Coordinator
  • Faculty oversight by Dr. Masami Nishishiba and Dr. Marcus Ingle

For more information about CPS research on public-sector information technology, please contact us at

For information on the current status of the Oregon CCoE and the activities of the OCAC, please visit