These videos support the SWRP online curriculum related to the stream ecology experiments and community-based stream macroinvertebrate bioassessment. 

  • See the SWRP publications for more information about the curriculum.
  • SWRP Data: Stream Macroinvertebrate data collected by the students participating in SWRP is available here. Please contact for more information.

Virtual Stream Experiments and Background Material

Unit 1: Stream Ecology Overview

Unit 2: Stream Macroinvertebrates

Unit 3: Stream Insect Ecology

Unit 4: Stream Food Webs

Unit 5: Stream Experiments

Virtual Experiment: Algae vs No Algae

Virtual Experiment: Sediment Scour

Virtual Experiment: Sediment Deposition

Virtual Experiment: Stream Velocity and Colonization  

Virtual Experiment: Energy in the Drift

Virtual Experiment: Life History and Disturbance

Virtual Experiment: Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis

Virtual Bioassessment and Background Material 

Unit 1: Watersheds

Unit 2: Non-Point Source Pollution

Unit 3: Stream Macroinvertebrates

Unit 4: Community-Based Bioassessment

Unit 5: Calculating the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI)

Unit 6: Conducting a Bioassessment

Unit 7: Improving and Restoring Streams

Virtual Bioassessment: Rock Creek

Johnson Creek Bioassessment (coming soon)

Relevant Publications

SWRP Publications

  • Edwards P, Shroufe A and Colley M (2021) Stream Disturbance Experiments. The American Biology Teacher. Accepted
  • Edwards P and Shaloum G (2020) Citizen Science and Ecological Restoration. Society for Ecological Restoration News. Vol 24, pgs 16-18.
  • Edwards P, Shaloum G and Bedell D (2018) A Unique Role for Citizen Science in Ecological Restoration: A Case Study in Streams. Restoration Ecology, 26: 29-35
  • Edwards, P (2016). The Value of Long-Term Stream Invertebrate Data Collected by Citizen Scientists. PloS one, 11(4)
  • Edwards P and Shroufe R (2016). Three Simple Experiments to Examine the Effect of Sediment Pollution on Algae-Based Food Webs in Streams. The American Biology Teacher, 78 (1), 57-61.
  • Edwards P, George L and McTammany M (2015). Next-generation scientists get a taste of their future careers, EOS, 96
  • Lev DJ, Renfro SL, Lindbo DT, Jarrell W, Blair J, Andrews S, Howell L. The Student Watershed Research Project (SWRP): collecting watershed data for use by resource management agencies. Urban Ecosystems. 1998 Oct 1;2(2-3):113-27.
Field Guide

Stream Insects of the Pacific Northwest

The SWRP Stream Insects of the Pacific Northwest Field Guide can be purchased for $20. All proceeds directly support water quality outreach and education.