Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for February 28, 2022

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  1. Bennett Gilbert, university studies, wrote a short story called “Consider the Bristlecone Pine” in Borderland/Espacio fronterizo/Espace frontière.
  2. Melissa Haeffner, environmental sciences and management faculty, co-wrote “Transformative Science: Collaborative Autoethnography in Global Environmental Change Sciences” in One Earth.
  3. Joleen Kremin, business faculty, published “Internal Audit Stigma Impairs Internal Audit Outcomes” in Corporate Ownership and Control.
  4. Ozcan Tunalilar, Institute on Aging faculty, co-authored “Rapid Adoption of Electronic Health Record and Health Information Exchange Among Assisted Living Communities, 2010–2018” in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
  5. Ozcan Tunalilar, Serena Hasworth, Jaclyn Winfree, and Diana L.White, Institute on Aging, and Sarah Dys PhD ’21 co-authored “Person-Centered Care Practices in Nursing Homes: Staff Perceptions and the Organizational Environment” in the Journal of Geriatric Nursing.