Currently Accolades: People for January 31, 2022

People graphic


  1. Scott Burns, geology faculty emeritus, appeared on KGW-TV and KING-TV (Seattle) Jan. 11-12 talking about climatic warming and the increase in landslides in the Pacific Northwest from an increase in atmospheric rivers.
  2. Berrin Erdogan, business faculty, was interviewed for the Dec. 19 Oregonian article, “Laid Off, Burned Out or Longing for Change, Oregonians Shake Up Careers In Pandemic.”
  3. David Ervin, environmental sciences and management faculty emeritus, will be inducted as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow at the association’s annual meeting on Feb. 19. The AAAS Fellows are an elite group of scientists, engineers and innovators recognized for their achievements and contributions to advancing human knowledge and understanding. Less than one percent of U.S. scientists are elected Fellows annually and a minority of those are, as Ervin is, social scientists. Read more.