McCormick Lab Projects

 1) Artificial Photosynthesis and Photocatalyzed Reactions 

We develop stable and efficient photosensitizer and catalysts based on earth abundant materials for water splitting. We are studying the application of non-toxic, abundant and easy to synthesize nanoparticles as photosensitizers in photocatalyzed hydrogen production reactions. This project is also exploring the utility of computational chemistry in predicting optimal reaction conditions based on calculated properties of intermediates in the reaction pathway. 

2) Oxidation of Chalcogen Chromophores

We are studying the photo-oxidation of chalcogen containing chromophores to develop this class of compounds as photocatalysts. When oxidized the photophysical properties of these dyes show significant changes. Using both computational and experimental approaches to hope to understand these changes and develop methods to use these compounds as photocatalysts for oxidation reactions. 

3) Metal directed self assembly of photo-active species  

Thiophene containing conjugated small molecules display a selective emission response in the presence of mercury ions. We are developing these molecules to act as sensitive sensors to detect mercury ions in water. This project involves the synthesis of new sensing molecules and characterization of their photophysical responses to different heavy metal ions.