Excellence in Black Studies Student Awards

Millner-Rutherford-Harris Excellence in Black Studies Book Award

In honor of Darrell Millner, Ph.D., Charlotte Rutherford, J.D., and William Harris, Ph.D., this award is based on a graduating student's demonstration of excellence in the field of Black Studies, recognizing their deep commitment and dedication. As part of the award, students receive a Black Studies book of their choice.

Chantell Wesley 
Majors: Black Studies, University Honors College
Chosen Book:  The Pain We Carry by Natalie Y. Gutierrez

Wesley Awardee 2024

I am deeply honored to have been nominated for this award and am beyond thankful to be acknowledged as a worthy recipient. The Black Studies Department at Portland State University has given me a voice and a responsibility. It has recognized my agency as a first-generation student, Black woman, and single mother, and it continues to empower me to contribute to the scholarship that shapes this discipline. I am grateful for the opportunity to advocate for representation, but I also recognize the role of education in progress. Every class I take is an opportunity to evoke that agency and create opportunities for future generations to experience an education that centers on truth and influences the opportunity to progress collectively as humans. 

Thank you to everyone in the Black Studies Department for providing a foundation that has lifted my voice and validated my power to continue this work as I pursue my PhD. I represent the non-conforming and marginalized communities that are made to feel like we will never have the opportunities I have in these spaces within higher education, and I often feel like I must work ten times harder than the person next to me to continue accomplishing all that I do. I want anyone considering entering higher education who grew up in underserved communities to know you got this! Do not let that pain make you; people in these environments are here to uplift and support you. Don't give up! You deserve the life you've dreamed of, and no one can fight for it but you!

Michaela Loggins
Majors: Communication Studies, Black Studies
Minor: Sociology 
Chosen Book: Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America 1619-2019, by lbram X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain

Loggins Awardee 2024

Earning a Black Studies degree has been and is a personal goal and mission of mine. Receiving this award is just one of the many benefits of this area of study. I understand the importance of this degree not only in terms of my identity but also as a chance for students to explore different facets of Black history and current events regardless of what their personal identity is. I've had the privilege of being in classrooms with diverse backgrounds, knowledge, and creativity, which has been a rewarding experience. My heartfelt appreciation extends to my esteemed professors, with a special acknowledgment to Professor Imarisha, whose inspiration has encouraged me to stay committed to this work and to never stop learning. Again, thank you to everyone in this department who has provided the tools necessary for letting knowledge truly serve the city.

Kenny Hamilton
Major: Black Studies
Minor: Business Administration
Chosen Book:  Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements by Walidah Imarisha, adrienne maree brown, Sheree Renee Thomas (Foreword)

Hamilton Awardee 2024

Struggles create strength, lessons, and the ability to grow.

Elizabeth Richard '24
Major: Social Science, Black Studies, Liberal Studies
Minor: Sociology
Certificate: African Studies
Chosen Book: The Black Studies Reader by Jacqueline Oba

Richard Awardee 2024

I consider it a privilege and an honor to not only be considered for such an esteemed award but to also be selected as the award recipient is nothing short of amazing. I’m grateful to have been under the tutelage of such scholars in the Black Studies Department. It is my honest and humble belief that I have been taught by some of the greatest Professors, Instructors, and Leaders, not only in Portland, OR, but internationally. The Black Studies Department is combusting with a wealth of knowledge that I strongly believe should be received and acknowledged globally. 

My interest in Black Studies began in 2000 when I had the pleasure of learning about Oregon’s African American History in a course taught by Dr. Darrell Milner. Since that introductory course, I became intrigued while also feeling a compelling sense of urgency to learn more about the African Diaspora, to learn more about my history and lineage. I believe Maya Angelou spoke the truth when she said, "You can't really know where you're going until you know where you have been." To continue to learn in the Black Studies department, has given me the opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the shoulders I stand on, the people I represent, and the future scholars I’ll allow and welcome to stand on my shoulders.

Many thanks to the entire Black Studies Department.

Aisha Osman ‘23
Major: BA Political Science Minor: Black Studies, Spanish

Profile photo of Osman


I am deeply honored and grateful to be a recipient of this award. It is because of the Black Studies Department that I was able to find an academic space that was safe and welcoming for me and other Black students. I was able to learn more about the continent of Africa as well as the African diaspora as a whole. It has been a humbling experience so far as I have been pursuing my Black Studies Minor and I am so grateful that I did so. 

This department is full of highly educated scholars that have an eagerness for our community and ways we can help each other move forward. Having such programs are necessary to help change the narrative. For far too long, our history has been written and shared by the white man. We are now actively seeking opportunities to debunk the myths that were created and form our own history through our own words. The Black Studies Department is doing exactly that and I am so thankful for each professor that I had the privilege of taking a course with as well as those that I didn’t have the chance to. Thank you once again!

Brianna Jackson ‘23
Major: BS Black Studies

Profile photo of Jackson

I feel so incredibly honored to receive this award. I send my appreciation and gratitude to the professors and advisors who helped me reach my goals here at Portland State.


I decided to join this department because I was deprived of Black history in my early education. I thought I could piece together parts of myself through this program. Restricting and editing history deprives Black people of our shared identities. We cannot begin to understand our legacy and our future if we do not know our history.

This program was challenging because these studies do not allow you to forget the struggle we face as Black and brown folks. However, learning this history reminds us that our ancestors have been up against impossible odds. They had to dream of radical change to envision their kin walking in the world we live in today. I also dream of radical change for our future kin. Graduating from this program is a major step in making this dream a reality.

Thank you for recognizing the end of this chapter with this award. I am forever grateful for my time at Portland State. 

Najma Noor '22

Headshot of Najma Noor

To say that I am grateful to receive such an honor of an award on behalf of the Black Studies Department is an understatement. Pursuing a Black Studies Minor has truly been the most fulfilling experience during my time at PSU. The knowledge, support, and inspiration that has come from these studies is of immeasurable value to me and I do not know how to adequately express my gratitude. I really do believe that these studies offer those who look like me perspectives and ideas that are deeply undermined if not completely unfound within other disciplines. These studies really serve as our academic voice within these institutions, and more broadly, within this society. And for that, I am so appreciative. Thank you.

Rasheed H. Shabazz '22

Headshot of Rasheed Shabazz

I feel blessed, honored, and full of gratitude to be a part of the Black Studies Department which has been informative to me and is greatly needed. Especially when you consider the fact that there’s such a major lack of diversity (both at this university as well as this community), and a huge racial disparity. While being a part of this department, I’ve received new found knowledge from professionals who have been pillars in this community (from a Black Historical perspective) for decades. This department shed light on what we’ve endured as a people (and continue to endure), on our contributions, our historical sacrifices, our growth, our importance (as a people), and our relevance to this country as well as the entire planet. Not only did the Black Studies Department provide me with more wisdom and understanding, but it also helped me sharpen my tools of thought as I continue to grow as a human being and gain more knowledge of self. And these tools provided me the insight that I could become an asset to my community, and an inspiration to all I come in contact with. And has motivated me to not only graduate with honors (Summa Cum Laude), but to also continue my education and be accepted and admitted into the Masters of Social Work Program to earn my Master’s Degree and beyond. I’m appreciative of every Doctor, Professor, and Instructor whom I’ve come in contact with in the Black Studies Department. I thank you for providing me with a newfound appreciation for education. And I thank you all for acknowledging my passion, consistency, and focus as a scholar.

Quinn Foster '21

Headshot of Quinn Foster

I am grateful to be apart of an amazing, informative, and resilient department such as Black Studies. If it was not for the Black Studies Department, I might have not returned to school to receive my Bachelor's Degree. We as Melanated Humans hold an undeniable faith along with a strong work ethic, and we are able to manifest our most wildest dreams. Majoring in Black Studies at Portland State University has been a priceless memorable experience. Thank you all so much for acknowledging my journey as a Scholar. Much Love To All Melanin.