Student Organization of Applied Linguistics

The Student Organization of Applied Linguistics (SOAL) is a student-run group that organizes social and educational events for our department community and friends. 

The Student Organization of Applied Linguistics (SOAL) is seeking new members! Whether you'd like to help plan an event, have great ideas for how to bring students together, are interested in becoming a SOAL Officer, or just want to see what we're all about, we'd love to hear from you! Email us at for more information, visit our Instagram to see upcoming events, or watch our short informational video to find out more! All events will be shared on the Linguistics Department mailing list, too! Can't wait to meet you all! 

Connect with Us

Instagram: @soalpdx

Student Experience

I was involved with the Student Organization of Applied Linguistics, planning events. We were able to petition and get a student lounge. We put on a ton of different events throughout the year - a lot of them happen in the lounge. We have game nights, and we’ve had guest speakers come in. None of that would be possible, I don’t think, in a larger department. Because there’s so much support coming from all of the professors all the time.

--Sasha Reinwald-Albrecht, MA TESOL '19