
Co-Admission (also known as "dual enrollment" or "degree partnership") is a special admissions process that allows students to be formally admitted to both PSU and partner community colleges.

In any given term you can attend school in one of three ways: 

  1. Take all your courses at PSU.
  2. Take all your courses at the community college.
  3. Take some courses at PSU and some at the community college.

Learn about how financial aid works for co-admitted students and view the Co-Admitted Student Checklist

Determine if Co-Admission is Right for You

Co-Admission is a good fit for you if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are taking 100/200 level classes at the community college that will apply to your PSU degree.
  • You want to combine enrollment for financial aid purposes.
  • Using PSU services while taking classes at the community college would help in your transition to PSU.
  • You would like to work with a PSU Academic Advisor.
  • You are earning an undergraduate degree or you are seeking to earn a postbaccalaureate degree in a second major.

How to Apply

New Students

  1. Ensure that you meet the admission requirements as a first year, transfer, or postbaccalaureate student.
  2. Complete the PSU Admissions application. On the Education Plan page, respond "yes" when asked if "you intend to participate in Portland State's Co-Admission Program."
  3. Submit all application documents (such as transcripts) prior to the deadlines below.

Current Students and New Students Who Have Already Applied for Admission

Complete the Co-Admission application by the deadlines listed below (new PSU applicants will need to be admitted by the deadlines below).

  • If you have not taken classes at the Community College before, you will receive an email within 2 - 3 weeks with your ID number and information about how to register for classes at your Community College.

All Co-Admitted students are required to attend New Student Orientation before they will be able to register for classes at PSU. Once you are admitted you will receive information on how to sign up for Orientation.

The Co-Admitted Student Checklist outlines the steps you need to take before you beginning school at PSU. 

Co-Admission Deadlines

Students must submit all application documents (such as transcripts) prior to these deadlines. Review Portland State University's additional important dates and deadlines.

Term Deadline to Submit Co-Admission Application
Fall (September start) First Year Students: August 1
Transfer Students: September 1
Current Students: September 5
Winter (January start) December 5
Spring (March start) March 5
Summer (June start) June 5

Benefits of PSU's Co-Admission Program

Students in the co-admission program with PSU and a partner community college have a great opportunity to use both schools to accomplish their academic goals. In addition, students in this program have access to PSU services early on that can support a healthy transition from a community college to PSU. Here are the many benefits of this program:

  • One application and one application fee except for Clark College. If you request co-admission with Clark and you are not a current Clark student, you will receive an email with instructions for a separate application process and fee.
  • Students have 10 terms before they are required to start taking classes at PSU
  • Co-admits are considered students at PSU and the partner school of their choice. Students can be co-admitted with multiple community colleges  
  • Lower tuition costs at community colleges (students pay PSU for the courses they take at PSU and the community college for the classes they take at the community college).
  • Financial Aid counts enrollment at both institutions for the same term (for qualified students).
  • Transcripts are automatically sent from the partner college to PSU at the end of each term and articulated so you can see how your classes transfer and count towards your degree (DARS, Degree Audit Report).
  • Even if students are not taking classes at PSU, they have access to Advising at PSU and have email and Banner access through My PSU. Students can run a DARS (Degree Audit Report) to track progress to their PSU degree.
  • Placement into the University Studies general education curriculum is updated as credits are transferred in from the community college. 
  • Co-admitted students can get a PSU ID card before they start taking classes at PSU
  • Apply for scholarships at both PSU and your partner school.
  • Live in on-campus housing as long as you are taking at least 8 credits each term at PSU
  • You must attend a New Student Orientation before you can register for PSU classes

Resources Available at PSU and Partner Schools

Check with your community college. Other services may be available and/or restrictions may apply.

Service PSU Community College
Academic Advising Free Free
Athletic Events Free Free
Email Access Free Free
Library Access Free Free
Multicultural Student Services Free Free
Student Activities – Clubs, etc.  Free Free
Women’s Resource Center Free Free
Career Center Must enroll in 1 credit at PSU Free
Counseling Services  Must enroll in 5 credits at PSU Free
Financial Aid Must enroll in 6 credits at PSU  Must enroll in 6 credits
Health Insurance Must enroll in 5 credits at PSU  Not Available
Recreation Center Must enroll in 1 credit at PSU  Not Available at All Community Colleges
Student Health Center  Must enroll in 5 credits at PSU  Not Available
Student Housing Must enroll in 8 credits at PSU Not Available
Student Legal Services Must enroll in 4 credits at PSU Not Available
Tutoring Must enroll in 1 credit at PSU May Require Enrollment

Ordering Transcripts

The community college will send your transcripts to PSU automatically at the end of each term beginning with the first term that you are co-admitted. For example, if your co-admission begins Fall 2020, the community college will begin sending your transcripts to PSU once your Fall 2020 grades have posted.

Send Your PSU Transcript to a Community College: Send an email to from your PSU email address, include your PSU ID number and request that your PSU transcript be sent to the community college.

Cancel Co-Admission

If you would like to cancel your co-admission status, email