Maria Sorcia Sandoval

Admissions Counselor

Undergraduate Admissions
Enrollment Management

See if Maria is your counselor

Maria Sorcia Sandoval Counselor headshot

Make an Appointment with Maria

Prospective students seeking guidance on how to navigate any aspect of the admission process are welcome to schedule appointments with Portland State admission counselors. You can choose to meet in-person, by phone, or in a virtual Zoom meeting. To view available appointments, select the green dates displayed on the calendar. All appointments are scheduled in Pacific time.

If your counselor is not available, you can view all admissions counselor appointments and meet with another counselor.


Recruitment Territories:

  • First Year and transfer students from Oregon county: Washington
  • Transfer students from school: Pacific University
  • First year and transfer students from state: Alaska

Maria was born in Puebla, Mexico and raised in Beaverton, OR. After graduating from Westview High School in 2018, she attended Portland Community College, where she obtained her Associate’s degree. Maria transferred to Portland State University in 2019 and obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology in 2022. Through her participation in mentorship programs such as the PCC Oregon Leadership Institute, PSU GANAS, and the PSU Student Ambassador program, Maria realized the endless opportunities available to her in higher education. Her experience as a first generation student and involvement in student organizations such as M.E.Ch.A. helped her develop a passion for working with students and their families and helping break barriers for underrepresented communities. Maria is excited to provide students with the support needed to navigate the college admissions process and welcome students to Portland State University.