Academic Freedom

The Office of Academic Affairs has developed this website devoted to Academic Freedom as a resource for the faculty, staff, and administration of Portland State University. The content of the website was informed by a committee and will be maintained by the Provost.  Portland State University is committed to supporting and defending academic freedom and the freedom of expression. These tenets are central and essential to the University’s education mission, even when engaging with controversial issues or ideas that might bring disagreement or negative comments. We hope this site can be a useful reference to help everyone in our campus community gain a deeper understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Communication Resources

This page has a set of resources, guidelines, and tips to help faculty and staff in communication such op-eds and social media.

Resource Guide

Support and safety resources for Portland State University faculty.

A few students sit at a table in a patio outside the Karl Miller Building.

PSU Policies and Agreements

A link to PSU standards, policies, and relevant collective bargaining agreements that relate to academic freedom.

Further Reading

Academic freedom can be complicated, especially when extramural speech is involved. Take a deeper dive and explore more.

A detailed sketch of floor plans and a building outline.

The information on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.  Instead, the information and materials provided are for informational purposes only.  While the information may be updated from time-to-time, the  website may not contain the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website also contains links to third-party websites and materials. These links are provided only for the reader's convenience.  The University is not responsible for the content of any of these third-party websites.

Academic Freedom