Typography and Digital Accessibility

Decorative illustration representing digital content creation, showing three people near a giant desktop computer and mobile device, with puzzle pieces and green leaves in the background.

Typography and Digital Accessibility

Font type, size, and stylization, can dramatically impact the readability of your content for everyone, especially people with low vision or people who have cognitive disabilities related to reading or learning. 

Why is Typography Important?

Considering typography through an accessibility and usability lens means thinking critically about the ways in which people access your content, both digitally and in print. Your type should be legible, large, and, as often as possible, sentence case—ensuring access for people with low vision and people who have cognitive disabilities related to reading or learning.

Best Practices for Accessible Typography


  • Avoid complex fonts and ALL CAPS (outside of explained acronyms) for purposes of readability.
  • Use size 12 pt. font or larger for documents and 24 pt. font or larger for presentations


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