Miscellaneous Computer/Electronics Scrap

All electronics scrap is non-working. Ram or other components may be removed. Pricing follows:

Computers (Dell, other)

With any i3/i5/i7 processor - $5.00 each

Any other processor - $1.00 each


Computers (Apple)

iMacs - Up to $20.00, depending on age

Other models with any i3/i5/i7 processor - $5.00 each

Any other processor $1.00 each


Loose PCBs, RAM, keyboards, mice, etc.

$1.00/lb ($5.00 minimum charge)


This listing is provided only for informational purposes. A stock photo is used and does not reflect the current scrap available at this time.

To view or purchase this item an appointment is required, but please remember that an appointment is NOT a purchase reservation. Please visit www.pdx.edu/surplus for more information.

Contact Name
Contact Phone
$1.00 - $5.00