Currently Accolades: Presented for March 15, 2021

A man points to a presentation


  1. Miriam Abelson, women, gender, and sexuality studies faculty, participated on a virtual panel and discussed her book “Men in Place: Trans Masculinity, Race and Sexuality in America” in a colloquium titled “Transmasculinity in the U.S. Today,” at the University of Pittsburgh Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies on March 3. 
  2. Nariyo Kono, university studies adjunct faculty, co-presented a paper titled “Healing/Trauma-Informed Approach in the Language Documentation process” at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation at the University of Hawaii on March 4.
  3. Leni Zumas, English faculty, participated in “Alumni Reading and Conversation” at the virtual 2021 Juniper Literary Festival, hosted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Humanities & Fine Arts on March 13.