Currently Accolades: Presented for January 3, 2022

Illustration of three ribbons


  1. Miriam Abelson, women, gender, and sexuality studies faculty, presented “Men In Place: (Trans)Masculinities, Race and Space” for the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society Seminar Series at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia on Nov. 17.
  2. Jon Holt, world languages and literatures faculty, presented a paper titled, “I Am a Japanese Body, My Name Is Shingo: Umezu Kazuo’s Fleshy and Mechanical Bodies” at Dartmouth College’s “Visualizing Texts, Reading Images Workshop” on Dec. 4.
  3. Carina Kaiser, visiting scholar, and Julia Freybote, business faculty, presented their paper, “Tenant Stock Market Performance and Commercial Real Estate Prices” at the American Real Estate Society 2021 Fall Research Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada from Nov. 4-5.
  4. Maura Kelly, sociology faculty, gave a presentation titled “Evaluation Research on Respectful Workplaces” at a panel presentation on respectful workplaces to the Oregon Department of Transportation Community Benefits Agreement Advisory Committee on Dec. 2.
  5. Maura Kelly, sociology faculty, gave a presentation titled “Jobsite Culture in the Trades” at a webinar organized by Oregon Tradeswomen on Nov. 18 titled “Supporting Women to Success: Jobsite Culture in the Trades.”
  6. Maura Kelly, sociology faculty, gave a presentation titled “Retention of a Diverse Construction Workforce” to Facebook on Oct. 15.
  7. Marta Stelmaszak Rosa, business faculty, gave a talk titled “Behind the Scenes of Datawork: How Valuable Data Are Created in Organizations” at the Digital Tech Summit, in Copenhagen, Denmark from Nov 30-Dec 1.
  8. Aaron Roussell, sociology faculty, gave a talk titled “Reimagined Policing: Legitimacy and the Limits of Shared Governance” for the PSU Sociology Brown Bag Series.
  9. Melissa Thompson, sociology faculty, presented “The Criminal Legal System and Women’s Access to Desired Contraception” at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in November in Chicago.
  10. Marvin Washington, business faculty, gave a talk titled “Five Ingredients of Successful Transformation” on Nov. 23 for the American Society of Quality’s India Chapter.