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PSU Transportation Seminar: Shifting Gears: Toward a New Way of Thinking About Transportation

Friday April 26th 2024 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Dual panel: a young girl with a light purple helmet rides her bike, and the cover of Susan Hardy's book SHIFTING GEARS
In person, location TBA
Cost / Admission
Free and open to the public
Click link in event details to register

The transportation system in the US has been shaped by a core set of ideas that are embedded in professional practice. These ideas – freedom, speed, mobility, vehicles, capacity, hierarchy, separation, control, and technology – have produced a system in which most people are dependent on driving, with all the negative consequences that entails. Shifting to a system that offers people choices about their daily travel requires a shift in thinking on the part of the transportation profession. In this talk, author and UC Davis professor Susan Handy takes a critical look at the way of thinking that, for the last century, has shaped our transportation system and considers the ways in which that thinking is – and is not – shifting.

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