Norene Hough joins TSUSP as a full-time instructor

A circular photo of Norene Hough in the foreground with the word "Welcome!" above it and a blurred photo of a couple of Portland buildings in the background

The Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning welcomes Norene Hough as a Senior Instructor and Interim Director of Undergraduate Programs.


Norene has been an adjunct instructor in the Toulan School since 2015. She came to the position through community action and organizing. She is actively involved in projects focusing on removing barriers to educational and community services for people who experience disabilities. She is also an involved member of her union.


Her new role is an extension of her previous work. She will be teaching classes as well as supporting undergraduate students as they move through the Community Development (CD) program and the new Community Urban Studies and Planning (CUSP) program. 


This year, Norene will be teaching USP 300—Intro to Urban Studies; USP 311—Intro to Urban Planning; USP 313—Urban Environmental Issues; USP 385—History of American Cities; and UNST 220—Understanding communities. She is especially looking forward to working with CUSP students and their advisors, since the 2024–25 school year will be the first year that the program is offered. Click here for more about CUSP.


Norene is open to answering questions and hearing feedback from her students. She can be reached at norene [at] pdx [dot] edu.