Holly Querin receives APA Outstanding Student Award

A photo of Holly Querin next to the APA logo (a blue background with the letters "APA" in white)

The Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning congratulates Holly Querin, the recipient of the American Planning Association’s Outstanding Student Award.


The award recognizes students at accredited planning programs across the United States who have demonstrated prowess in the planning field. Holly was chosen by her professors based on her leadership, academic achievement, service to her community, and commitment to the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Her award will be officially granted in the fall.


Holly was inspired to join the Masters of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) program at Portland State University by her sociology education, which was teaching her about the relationship between social inequities and the built environment. 


“I wanted to pursue a more hands-on career that would allow me to address those inequities,” Holly explains. “Good transportation planning has such a huge potential for improving equity, sustainability, accessibility, and public health in Portland and beyond.”


Holly graduated from the MURP program in June this year. She will be joining Nelson\Nygaard as an associate transportation planner in September, and she can’t wait to work on projects that prioritize human-scale urban planning and design. Congratulations, Holly!