PSU public affairs, public health programs receive top rankings

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Two schools at Portland State University have ranked among the best in the U.S. News & World Report’s 2022 Best Graduate Schools rankings.

The College of Urban and Public Affairs' Hatfield School of Government was ranked No. 48 out of 284 public affairs schools overall.

CUPA’s Local Government Management program ranked No. 15 and the Urban Policy program No. 13.

"With incredible support from the Oregon local government professional community, great students, accomplished alumni in key positions in local governments not only in the Pacific Northwest, but around the nation, and a faculty dedicated to serving our students and local government professionals in the field, we are so pleased to see the recognition of the work of all these fine professionals in the recent ratings for our programs in the Department of Public Administration of the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government on local government administration and urban policy,” said Public Administration Professor Phil Cooper.

Interim CUPA Dean Sy Adler said the colleagues in those programs continue to make significant public service contributions and they are pleased to see the Hatfield School of Government and programs within it continue to receive the recognition they deserve.

The OHSU-PSU School of Public Health’s graduate program also received a ranking of 31 out of 188 schools of public health.

"These rankings are a recognition of the increasing national reputation of the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health as a collaborative school that offers doctoral programs that not only develop public health scholars, but does this work in an environment that encourages applied community-based research with an emphasis on social justice," said David Bangsberg, dean of the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health.

Bangsberg added: "Students access the collective resources of two universities — Portland State University, an international model for community-engaged learning and scholarship as well as academic innovation, and Oregon Health & Science University, known internationally for groundbreaking research in cancer and the health sciences — and have unique opportunities to work hands-on with a broad network of local, regional and national partners, including health services delivery organizations, governmental institutions, and nonprofit agencies, to conduct relevant research that addresses the critical public health issues we face today."

Rankings are based on assessments by peers and recruiters, as well as expert opinions that consider the quality of a school’s faculty, students and research.