Erica Wagner

Erica Wagner

Vice Provost of Student Success

Academic Affairs

RMNC 650
(503) 725-4059

Erica Wagner is a Professor of Information Systems and an experienced administrative leader. She holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a postgraduate degree in Information Systems and Innovation (also from LSE). Erica’s fundamental research interests focus the organizational and societal consequences of systems that are being developed or are in use. Whether investigating organizational, technical, or interpersonal systems, Erica considers how they are shaped by structures of power and interests. 


Her research has been published in a variety of outlets including MIS Quarterly, The Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information and Organization, Communications of the ACM, and the Journal of Management Studies. Her research and teaching benefit from past work experience as an administrative leader, financial analyst, and corporate accountant. 


Erica Wagner is a Professor of Information Systems with extensive experience in academic administration. She earned her Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she also completed her postgraduate studies in Information Systems and Innovation. Erica’s research delves into the organizational and societal impacts of emerging and existing systems, examining how these systems are influenced by power dynamics and vested interests, whether they are organizational, technical, or interpersonal.


Her work is widely recognized, with publications in top journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Organization, and Communications of the ACM. Erica’s research and teaching are enriched by her previous roles as an administrative leader, financial analyst, and corporate accountant.

For more on Erica Wagner's work, visit her Google Scholar profile.