Arolia McSwain

Arolia McSwain

Program Assistant

Center for Public Service - School of Government

Arolia McSwain (Apache/Cherokee) is the current Certificate in Tribal Relations program assistant. Arolia is a student at PSU majoring in Native American Studies with a certificate in an Indigenous Traditional Ecological and Cultural Knowledge. They started their community work with the City of Portland as the Tool Room Coordinator at the North Portland Tool Library (NPTL.) Arolia worked as sole operations of NPTL. In addition to being the face of the organization, they assisted the board with promotion, volunteer coordination as well as organizing workshops and fundraising events. Arolia also served as program assistant at North Portland Neighborhood Services (NPNS) supporting neighborhood projects and associations in the North Portland quadrant. In Portland City Hall they assisted both the Graffiti Abatement program and the Community Neighborhood Involvement Center (CNIC.) In their free time they enjoy creating works of art, beading jewelry and clothing and spending time getting to know the vast Oregon terrain during camping and fishing trips. Arolia hopes to continue their education to obtain a PHD and further their dedication to community work.

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