Professional Associations & Careers in Aging Webinar

March is Careers in Aging month at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). The Portland State Better with Age team kicked off Careers in Aging month with a panel discussing the benefits of professional memberships for students pursuing career pathways in aging and gerontology. The webinar featured experts in aging including:

  • Melissa Cannon, PhD, OGA Vice President; Associate Professor & Gerontology
    Department Head, Western Oregon University
  • Dani Himes, MSW, Project Manager & Senior Research Assistant, Portland State
    University, Institute on Aging
  • Brianna Morgan, PhD, CRNP, Postdoctoral Fellow, NYU Grossman School of
    Medicine, Emerging Scholars and Professional Organization Section Chair,
    Gerontological Society of America
  • Jenny Sasser, PhD, FAGHE, OGA Board Member; Faculty & Interim Gerontology
    Department Chair, Portland Community College

The webinar was facilitated by Better with Age staff

  • Lauren Bouchard, PhD, Gerontological Curriculum Coordinator &
  • Serena Hasworth, MPH, Better with Age Program Director

The webinar brought students together from across Oregon and provided a wonderful discussion on professional memberships. Make sure to check out other events that are happening for Careers in Aging Month at GSA and the Oregon Gerontological Association (OGA).

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