Portland State students named to 2024 Spring Term Honor Rolls

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Portland State University announced its undergraduate honor rolls for spring term 2024. There are two PSU honor roll lists: the President's List and Dean's List. Students named to each list are listed alphabetically.

Criteria for each are as follows:


Undergraduate students with a cumulative PSU GPA of 3.5 or better, who have a carrying load of 12 hours or more (excluding AU and P/NP hour) and have a term GPA of 4.0 are placed on the President's List.


Undergraduate students with a cumulative PSU GPA of 3.5 or better, who have a carrying load of 12 hours or more (excluding AU and P/NP hours) and have a term GPA of 3.75 - 3.99 are placed on the Dean's List.

Part-time students may qualify for the President's List and Dean's List under certain conditions.

Learn more about the Dean's & President's List Award