PSU campus begins Phase 1 return: What it means

**Update: Late on June 11, Gov. Kate Brown put all reopening applications on hold in Oregon for one week. Portland State's Phase 1 Return to Campus is on hold until further notice.**

Multnomah County is expected to move into Phase 1 reopening this Friday, as outlined by Gov. Kate Brown’s regulations for returning the state to active operations. As a result, PSU will begin its gradual Return to Campus. 

What does Phase 1 mean for Portland State? 

All work that can be done remotely should continue to be done remotely. Starting June 15, a limited amount of activity will return to campus. Refer to the Return to Campus website for more detailed information about what this means. Here are the basics: 

  • As announced on April 9, all Summer Session classes will be taught remotely.
  • Across all PSU units, all employees who can continue to work remotely will do so. Departments will carefully prioritize any work that needs to return to campus and should notify facilities of the spaces that will be occupied and share training with all staff about new public health measures. 
  • All campus buildings remain locked and accessible only with a PSU ID card. 
  • PSU requires that any person on campus must wear a face covering while indoors in public spaces. (Details on face covering requirement and availability here.)
  • Everyone on campus must adhere to PSU’s Physical Distancing Policy. This will look different in different areas of campus. New signage will serve as guideposts and details are outlined on the Return to Campus webpage. 
  • Custodial services are resuming in building common areas, and best practices are being implemented for building water, heating and cooling systems to support healthy air and water quality.
  • Research activities on campus are also resuming in a limited fashion. Details on those policies are available on the Research and Graduate Studies website
  • At this phase of reopening, PSU’s employee travel policy remains limited. Only essential, domestic travel is allowed if it does not involve air travel. Non-essential domestic and all international travel remains suspended.

Additional information about getting to campus and what businesses are open and closed are available on the Return to Campus website

The bottom line: If you are unwell or are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19, please stay home and help us keep our community safe. All of our decisions about the phased reopening of campus are guided by the importance of the health and well being of everyone at PSU. 

PSU expects to announce details on fall term no later than June 30. The Incident Management Team is working across the university to develop a strategy that advances our important student success efforts and protects the safety, health and well being of our community.

As always, if you have questions about the return to campus, please send them to