New federal Title IX rules on campus sexual assault

On Wednesday, May 6, the U.S. Department of Education released the revised regulations regarding Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. These regulations require colleges and universities that receive federal funding, including PSU, to follow new procedures in handling sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence and stalking complaints. 

In addition to other provisions, the regulations require universities to provide support services to survivors of sexual assaults, whether or not the person has filed a complaint. Universities must also provide support measures to both the complainants/survivors and respondents/accused during an investigation. 

We want to make clear that the new regulations do not affect the PSU resources and support that continue to be available to students who are experiencing sexual harassment or sexual violence, including confidential resources. The safety and well-being of PSU's students and campus community is our utmost concern.

In addition to the new federal regulations, the state of Oregon in HB 3415 expanded the definition of “sexual harassment” and allows colleges and universities to address complaints for incidents that occur off-campus. They also require additional training for those involved in handling these matters. 

PSU’s Title IX Coordinator, along with other key university officials, will be reviewing our policies and procedures to determine what changes PSU needs to make to comply with the new federal regulations and state laws. Although University practices may change, we remain committed to providing support to survivors and equitable student conduct processes for all persons involved. 

For more information about PSU's resources and reporting options, please review PSU’s Sexual Misconduct webpage, which includes information about PSU's Confidential Advocates. Additionally the complainant or the accused in a University conduct proceeding may contact PSU's Title IX coordinator for any interim measures. 

You may contact me if you have any questions about the new laws or to report an incident.