Join us for the PDF Spring Cleaning event!

Illustration of tools frequently associated with Spring Cleaning, such as soap, cleaning spray, sponges, dust pan, broom, vacuum, and squeegee.

Quick Fact: there are currently 6,733 portable document files (PDFs) on public-facing websites. That’s a lot of PDFs! Is it possible to have too many PDFs? Consider the conclusions drawn by the Nielsen Norman Group, leaders in research-based user experience: 

Research spanning 20 years proves PDFs are problematic for online reading. Yet they’re still prevalent and users continue to get lost in them. They’re unpleasant to read and navigate and remain unfit for digital-content display. PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later 

One critical issue with PDFs is that they are not easily created with accessibility in mind. Poorly-constructed PDF forms can create barriers for most people, and may be impossible to use for those with disabilities. 

An event for content creators

Fortunately, there are easy ways that you can make more accessible, more inclusive, and easier-to-maintain digital content. If you’re responsible for creating, maintaining, or publishing content on public-facing websites, you’re invited to join the 2021 PDF Spring Cleaning event

From April 22 to May 20, the Office of Information Technology will provide registered participants with guidance on several options for addressing accessibility barriers associated with PDFs. You’ll learn more about how to ensure that the digital content you publish is fully accessible to all users, whether that means exploring more sustainable, accessible formats or doing the work necessary to make your PDF content fully accessible.

Learn more and register for the event by April 16

For more details about this four week, self-paced PDF inventory and remediation event visit PDF Spring Cleaning and register by April 16!