headshot of hadley bates

Hadley Bates

MUS Student

Urban Studies & Planning - Urban & Public Affairs

Research Areas: Eviction, Housing Justice, Community Development, Public Space, Symbolic Economies, Critical Geography, Feminist Geography

Year Started in Current Program: 2021


Hadley was born and raised in Northeast Portland and became involved in political organizing early in life as a member of the PPS student union. While attending Quest University in Squamish, B.C., she began exploring the ways in which housing and neighborhoods shape the geography of cities. Today, her focus lies in housing justice, eviction as a form of social banishment, and radical urban form. Hadley approaches her studies with an emphasis on participatory research, community-led policy change, and on-the-ground organizing. Outside of her studies, Hadley enjoys biking around town, finding new crafting projects, rocking out at shows, and finding any good book she can get her hands on.

  • Quest University Canada — Bachelors of Arts and Science with a focus in Urban Geography