George McDonald

George McDonald

Research Assistant Professor

Electrical & Computer Engineering - Engineering & Computer Science, Maseeh College of

FAB 20-16
Fri: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Tue: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
(503) 725-9041

Prof. George (譲治) McDonald’s research involves theoretical predictions of the processes occurring on planetary bodies, as well as remote sensing using spacecraft instrumentation. His primary focus is on atmosphere-surface interactions in the solar system, but he has also worked on the upper atmospheres of exoplanets, as well as on bodies with tenuous atmospheres. McDonald previously worked with the Cassini spacecraft’s observations of Saturn’s moon Titan, and through work with Aeolis Research is currently a member of the Atmospheres Working Group for the Mars 2020 mission's Perseverance rover.

Research Interest and Expertise

  • Atmospheric Dynamics
  • Radiative Transfer
  • Aeolian Processes
  • Atmospheric Loss
  • Stellar Atmospheres

Courses Taught

  • ECE 102: Engineering Computation

Links to Research Archives

  • PhD Planetary Science (2018)
    Georgia Institute of Technology
  • BA Physics (2014)
    Cornell University