Emma Vandehey

Russian Flagship Program

Honors and Awards: Urban Honors College

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?: I plan to work in the private sector contracting out to the government doing translation and language-related work.

What attracted you to the PSU Russian Flagship? I first received an email from Dr. Comer with information regarding the Flagship program via the Honors College. After some research, I realized all of the opportunities the degree could provide for me, for example, the study abroad and the advanced classes that provide a stable fluency for high-level, well sought-after employment opportunities.

What’s the best aspect of being in the PSU Russian Flagship? There are so many that it’d be impossible to choose just one. The professors are incredibly dedicated to our learning; and because I meet with my classmates on a daily basis, I’ve made a close-knit friend group quickly that I can meet with and speak Russian with often in an informal setting.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you? Russia’s conflict with the US makes an American who can speak Russian fluently a very valuable employee. It’s also a prominent language in the world, with many ex-Soviet countries still using it and teaching it in schools. This makes finding a job teaching overseas more obtainable, which is a long-term goal of mine.

  • BA Russian (2021)
  • Minor Applied Linguistics (2021)
  • University Honors College (2021)