Candyce Reynolds


Educational Leadership and Policy - College of Education

FAB 240g
(503) 725-4657

Candyce Reynolds, PhD, is a professor and the chair of the Educational Leadership and Policy Department. She has an AB in psychology and social welfare from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MS and PhD degrees in Counseling Psychology from the University of Oregon. Dr. Reynolds has a wide variety of experience in higher education and beyond, working in student affairs, the departments of psychology, business and management consultation, general education, a peer mentoring program and in faculty development. In recent years, her work has focused on the use of the ePortfolio to promote student learning and program assessment. She has published broadly in higher education books and journals and has made presentations at a variety of venues throughout the USA and internationally. She is co-author of a book with Professor Judy Patton entitled Leveraging the ePortfolio for integrative learning: A guidebook of classroom practices for transforming student learning (Stylus 2014).

Dr. Candyce Reynolds, professor