Amy Parker

Amy Parker

Associate Professor & Program Coordinator

Special Education - College of Education

VBX 423-K
(503) 725-4695

Amy Parker, EdD, COMS, is an assistant professor and the coordinator of the Orientation and Mobility Program in the Special Education Department. In 2009 she completed her doctorate in special education, with an emphasis in deafblindness and a certification in orientation and mobility, through a leadership and enrichment fellowship funded by the Office of Special Education. Using participatory methodologies with community stakeholders, she has worked to design accessible multimedia learning modules for national technical assistance and personnel preparation. Her research interests include orientation and mobility for individuals with complex disabilities, communication interventions, participatory action research with people with disabilities and their families, and community-based partnerships to create social change.

Assistant Professor Amy Parker
  • Ed.D.
    Texas Tech University
  • M.S.S.W
    University of Tennessee