Lisa Hawash Promoted to MSW Director

Photo of Lisa Hawash next to the PSU School of Social Work logo


We are happy to announce that Lisa Hawash has been hired as the MSW Program Director beginning Fall 2023.

Lisa started at PSU/SSW in Winter 2011 as an adjunct instructor and was hired into an interim role in September 2014 as the new MSW Online Option Coordinator. She was hired as the MSW Online Option Coordinator in Fall of 2015 and was promoted to Associate Professor of Practice in 2018. 

Since graduating in 2005 from the School of Social Work’s MSW program, Lisa’s career has mainly focused on macro social work practice which includes her teaching practice, program construction, development, and administration both in the nonprofit sector, government sector and at the School of Social work. In her work as a consultant to county agencies and nonprofit organizations, Lisa facilitates workshops on de-escalation practices, organizational and community assessments, strategic planning, and analysis and development of sustainable project and program funding. 

In her role as faculty Lisa teaches advanced macro social work practice, fund development, and poverty policy. While not required to engage in research practice within her role at the SSW, she continually engages in community based research projects and evaluations of programs focused on access to hygiene and microshelter transitional housing options for people experiencing homelessness. Lisa is also a co-founder of the Homelessness Research Action Collaborative (HRAC), a research center at PSU, and has collaborated with her colleagues within HRAC on projects related to hygiene access (or lack thereof) for our neighbors in the Portland metro area. 

Lisa enjoys working around her home, gardening, raising goats, and spending time with friends. She also enjoys sewing and refinishing furniture, and traveling with her family every summer to Nablus, Palestine where they have a large extended family and community. 

Please join me in welcoming Lisa Hawash to the School of Social Work in this new role!  

Jose E. Coll, MSW Ph.D.
Dean & Professor
School of Social Work
Portland State University