Currently Accolades: Presented for November 16, 2020

Woman presents at a podium.


Every week during the academic year, Currently celebrates faculty and staff accomplishments, including appearances on panels, presentations, recent publications or performances, and research grants.

  1. Jola Ajibade, geography faculty, gave an invited talk titled “Entanglement and Disentanglement: Identifying Commonalities and Difference Between Climate Migration and Managed Retreat” at Middlebury Institute of International Studies Monterey, California on Nov. 4.
  2. Susan Kirtley, English faculty, presented her paper “Girl in the Middle: Cyborgs, Selfhood, and Ms. Marvel” as part of the International Comic Arts Forum Virtual Conference in November.
  3. DeLys Ostlund, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) associate dean for faculty; Matthew Carlson, CLAS associate dean for undergraduate programs; Todd Rosenstiel, CLAS dean; and Fletcher Beaudoin, Institute for Sustainable Solutions director, presented a panel titled “Practicing Shared Leadership in a Large, Integrated College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Lessons Learned” at the annual meeting of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences on Nov. 9.
  4. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, presented “Epidemiology and/as Epistemic Violence: Decolonizing Local Social Epi Practice via the yHEART PDX Program” and “Dreams of a Woke Public Health Law + Ethics: On Public Health Police Powers, Police Violence and Policing the Resistance” at 148th Meeting of the American Public Health Association from Oct. 24-28. 
  5. Pronoy Rai, international and global studies faculty, gave a virtual guest lecture titled “Masculinities, Labor and the Environment” in GC/GN 495: Gender and Environment at Northern Michigan University on Nov. 5.
  6. Deborah Smith Arthur, university studies faculty, and Morgan Godvin, student in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, presented “Re-enter and Rebound: Supporting Formerly Incarcerated Students on Campus” at the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities 2020 Virtual Event Series on Nov. 9.