Building community in an online environment

drawing of person sitting with laptop with text ideas resources and inspiration for virtual community building at psu

We are well into Fall term, and as students are settling into remote learning, it can be confusing on how to build community in a time of isolation and limited campus operations. At PSU, student engagement and community is an important part of campus culture. Engaging with peers outside the classroom can help build confidence and connections. Especially now, these connections can become a support system during these uncertain times and well into the future.

As a transfer student last year, I found it difficult to build relationships, even in person, because I didn’t know where to get started. At a different stage than my peers, I was trying to find my way around campus, and still discovering my passions and interests. I felt intimidated. The thought of trying to “fit in” was low on my agenda. Then, as operations transitioned to remote, I was worried how this would further impact my ability to connect with others.

It wasn’t until I started to grow a deeper interest in sustainability and how it fit into my career goals that I began to seek out ways I could connect with others who shared similar interests. Getting involved with the Student Sustainability Center, making study groups with my peers, and pursuing community building events has helped me build the support system I need to be successful and adapt to a new way of learning, all while giving me a welcoming platform to share my voice on campus. 

There will always be ways to engage with other students on campus even when we are quarantined. PSU students are resilient, but as students right now, we need a support system more than ever. Here are some helpful resources and ways to connect:

Get involved supporting the community

Our community needs support now more than ever, and even though volunteer efforts in person are limited, there are still countless ways to engage in supporting the community virtually. The Student Community Engagement Center has a helpful list of resources and ideas on how to get involved. 

Attend a virtual event

PSU has a variety of virtual social hours, professional development events, seminars,  workshops, and other student organizations to join. These are opportunities to build relationships, network, learn something new, or get involved with your passions. Find ways to engage with Portland State Connect. Interested in sustainability? Visit the Student Sustainability Center webpage to get more involved with the Emerging Sustainability Leaders program, and learn how you can contribute to a more sustainable campus.

Create a study group

With exams fast approaching, it might be helpful to form a study group with your peers. You can meet on zoom, or even start a group chat for times that you may need support in a class. Reach out to your classmates and offer to set one up - or join one that’s already established. 

Get connected to your resources

The resource centers at PSU are there to help support you in your academic journey. Although many offices may be remote, you can still book a virtual appointment or contact them by phone. Similarly, the Student Health and Counseling center (SHAC) is still operating and available to support students during this anxiety-provoking time. If you are isolated, stressed, or anxious, know that you can reach out, or find a variety of resources on their COVID-19 resource page. 

Get Social

Social media is another great resource for finding opportunities, events, and getting updates. Many of the resource centers are using their platform to share information and connect with students virtually. Check out the Student Sustainability Center’s Instagram @psu_ssc and @sustainablepdx for other sustainability updates, or connect with other centers on Instagram such as the Cultural Centers, the Women’s Resource Center, the Transfer and Returning Student Resource Center, the Queer Resource Center, and many more. Find a full list of social links for all the centers on the Resource Center webpage.

Reach out to friends and family, remember to practice self-care, and know that all of us are in this together. The resources that PSU has for students to find ways to connect are constantly growing and evolving to fit the needs of students, so these resources are not exhaustive. Although COVID has changed how PSU operates, we students will find ways to adapt and be resilient to change in our lives, and emerge as stronger people.