ISS - Transforming Partnerships

Moving towards a sustainable and just region is a complex and long-term endeavor. Collaborative, cross-organizational partnerships are critical tools for tapping into new approaches to the accelerating challenges we face while sustaining pressure on these problems as they morph and change. But for a partnership to address complex challenges and achieve ambitious goals we must think differently about them: Transformative partnerships support organizational evolutions that unlock new collaborative potential and ensure that the cross-organizational pursuit can adapt and persist across time.

We are developing transformative partnerships in a few different ways, including:

  • Participating in a global network of City-University partners (including London, Dublin, Tempe, and Mexico City) that are committed to the practice of building transformative partners
  • Building tools and processes that support the development of transformative partnership, including a board game and process
  • Developing research and resources on the topic (see below)

Contact Fletcher Beaudoin to learn more about transformative partnerships.

Some resources on transformative partnerships: