Climate Action & Resilience

solar panel
PSU's Climate Commitment 

Under Second Nature’s Carbon and Climate Commitments, PSU is committed to achieving campus carbon neutrality and to planning for adaptation in a rapidly changing climate. As one of over 600 signatories to the Carbon Commitment, PSU developed its 2010 Climate Action Plan which calls for carbon neutrality by 2040. Then, in 2015, PSU became a founding signatory to the Climate Commitment, combining a focus on carbon emissions accounting and planning for resiliency.

These are both ongoing efforts. Under the Climate Resilience in Urban Campuses and Communities (CRUX) grant, CSO began has been undertaking the process of talking to staff, students, faculty, and community members about PSU’s where our assets and vulnerabilities lie, and identifying how we can take actions we can take today to address the needs of our campus-community now and in the years to come.

Climate Action Plan (CAP)

PSU's Climate Action Plan (CAP) was adopted in 2010 with an overarching goal of campus carbon neutrality by 2040. A progress report was developed in 2013. Since then, PSU has been focused on implementation. While many of the actions in the plan still resonate today, it no longer provides a comprehensive snapshot of where PSU's climate work stands. The Campus Sustainability Office is working with partners towards an updated planning process. Visit the Sustainability Dashboard to see how PSU is performing in key areas like utilities and greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Resilience 

As PSU moves from climate action into adaptation, we are assessing what resources we have to best serve our students, staff, faculty, and community during the climate change we are already experiencing and will continue to experience. Share your perspective by taking our survey, and exploring what projects we have underway in the CRUX project summary document.

Climate Champions 

Wondering how your department can further support the goals of the plan? Become a certified PSU Climate Champion department! The program recognizes resource conservation and stewardship within PSU departments that supports the goals of our Climate Action Plan and includes an assessment to track progress on sustainable best practices for the workplace.