Show Me the Money: Research Funding and Resources for Water Science

NASA Chemistry Lab circa 1961

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, nothing in this world is certain  “except death and taxes.” Research scientists might add “the ongoing search for research funding” to this list of life’s certainties.

Finding and accessing research funding can be a challenging process, and the financial implications of the Covid-19 pandemic are likely to make things more complicated. Although no one can say for sure yet, it’s probable that the funder budgets USGS and PSU water science researchers rely on, such as from partner organizations and federal agencies, will decrease or in some cases be eliminated. So what are some of the best strategies we can use to maintain and grow water science research, given potential funding restraints?

The UPP is working on three approaches to assist researchers: 

The first is to continue using partnership funds to support collaborative research. This is the second year we have provided a competitive research funding opportunity, and we expect to continue to do so in the future because it is one of the most direct ways the UPP can catalyze collaborative research projects between the USGS Oregon Water Science Center and PSU. Although the dollar amount is relatively small, seed grants provide the opportunity for PIs to form new partnerships and demonstrate the importance and viability of a concept, approach or technique. Successful seed grants can set the stage for highly competitive proposals to external funders and can even generate direct requests from funders for proposals. This was the case with one of our 2019 grantees and we look forward to seeing what else our grantees’ research generates.

The second approach is to seek external funds that may not be available directly to researchers but may be available to the partnership. The UPP will continue to seek funds that we can direct into joint water science research through the USGS and/or through PSU.

Third, the UPP is gathering resources and information on funding opportunities. The goal is to go beyond what’s available on and illuminate less well-known resources and opportunities. For example, PSU faculty and staff have free access to our institutional license on, which is a massive database of funding opportunities; researchers can also access Foundation Center’s Foundation Directory either through the PSU library in person, or online through the Multnomah County Library’s website (no card required). In addition, joint teams can apply for funding that’s available through other PSU and USGS partnerships and memberships, such as PSU’s membership in Oak Ridge Associated Universities. We plan to make this information available on the UPP website or other format that’s easily accessible for the UPP community.

Where do you go to find funding opportunities? Are there tips or tricks you’d like to share, or content you’d like to see the UPP provide related to funding? Email your feedback to