Graduate Tuition & Fees

Portland State is committed to providing graduate students with an excellent education at an affordable cost. The cost of graduate school includes tuition and fees (some programs charge a differential tuition). Take a look below to assess the total cost of your graduate program. 

Tuition and fees will vary each term. The costs listed below are estimated by individual credit hour (unless indicated). Your costs will vary depending on how many credits you take each term and the fee schedule associated with your specific graduate program. Individual mandatory fees rates are not included below.

Annual cost of attendance is included below.

To determine how much you can expect to be charged for tuition and fees make an appointment with a financial coach at the Financial Wellness Center

Tuition per individual credit hour for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

DescriptionOregon Resident & WICHE**Washington Border DiscountNonresident
Base tuition$463$509.30$690

Some graduate programs have a differential tuition rate above the base tuition rate. The programs listed below charge a higher rate per credit than the university’s base tuition rate listed above.

College of the ArtsOregon ResidentWashington Border DiscountNonresident
All programs$510$561$741
College of EducationOregon ResidentWashington Border DiscountNonresident
All programs$512$563.20$739
College of Liberal Arts & SciencesOregon Resident & WICHE**Washington Border DiscountNonresident
Level 1: Communication, English, Foreign Languages, General Studies, History, Psychology and Social Science, and Sociology$478$525.80$705
Level 2: Anthropology, Applied Linguistics, Biology, Center for Science Education, Chemistry, Conflict Resolution, Creative Writing, English, Environmental Science, Geography, Geology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, and Speech & Hearing Sciences$485$533.50$715
College of Urban & Public AffairsOregon ResidentWashington Border DiscountNonresident
EMPA$2,016 per course$2,016 per course$2,016 per course
Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer ScienceOregon ResidentWashington Border DiscountNonresident
All programs$515.50$567.05$742.50
School of BusinessOregon Resident & WICHE**Washington Border DiscountNonresident
Master of Finance$549$603.90$727
Master of Global Supply Chain Management$663$729.30$804
Master of Taxation$596$655.60$792
All other graduate business programs$663$729.30$804
School of Social WorkOregon ResidentWashington Border DiscountNonresident
MSW and PhD$528$580.80$755

** For more information on WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) and WRGP (Western Regional Graduate Program) and a list of programs approved for in-state tuition rates please visit the WICHE and WRGP webpage here: WICHE and WRGP

Estimated Annual Cost of Attendance

The amounts listed below are the cost of attendance rates not including tuition. See above for tuition rates by credit per program.

 Nonresident (not living on campus)Nonresident (living on campus)Nonresident (living with family)Resident (not living on campus)Resident (living on campus)Resident (living with family)<
Books & Materials$798$798$798$798$798$798
Student Loan Fees$225$225$225$225$225$225
Housing & Food$13,728$13,443$8,187$13,728$13,443$8,187
Other Living Expenses$2,697$1,770$2,562$2,697$1,770$2,562
Personal Expenses$1,350$900$900$1,350$900$900