
Financial Aid Forms and Document Uploader

Students must submit the documents below by the end of the eighth week of the current term. Forms received after the end of the eighth week will be reviewed next term. Late documents can negatively impact a student's financial aid eligibility.

Student Document Uploader

Students can submit documents to the Office of Financial Aid using our secure document uploader.

Parent Document Uploader

Parents can submit documents to the Office of Financial Aid using our secure document uploader.

Form or PetitionDescription
Excess Cost AppealRequest to have the Office of Financial Aid increase your estimated cost of attendance for costs resulting from special circumstances that were not included in your original financial aid calculation.
Appeal to Apply for Aid Without Parent InformationSubmit this appeal to document your unusual circumstances that prevent you from providing parental information on the FAFSA.
FERPA (Release of Non-Directory Information) FormA student may fill out this form to request that PSU allow someone else (parent, guardian, employer, etc.) access to your university information. Financial Aid cannot speak with anyone about your account, including billing information or amount due, without this form on record. Fill it out and return it in-person, with photo ID to the Registrar's Office to grant access to your account.
Financial Aid Revision Request FormUse this form to request changes to your financial aid for enrollment changes for future terms and increasing and decreasing your Stafford Loans.
Graduate Academic Progress PetitionThis petition is for graduate students who have not met the requirement of enrolling in graduate level credits for at least 67% of their total enrollment in the prior academic year. Learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress, warnings, and appeals.
Maximum Enrollment Limit PetitionSubmit this form to petition the Office of Financial Aid and allow completion of the remaining courses to complete your declared degree. Learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress and Maximum Enrollment Limits.
Outside Funding Notification FormUse this form to let us know about support like scholarships or employer reimbursements that you are receiving from outside of Portland State University.
Special Circumstances AppealUse this appeal to request a review of your financial aid based on changes to you, your spouse or your parents financial circumstances. Learn more about revisions and special circumstances.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Petition FormIf you are in Suspended status, you may submit a petition in writing to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships which documents special or unforeseen circumstances that interfered with the completion of your coursework or in meeting any other part of the policy. Learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress and appeals.
Tuition Equity Affidavit and Request FormSubmit this form to be considered for resident tuition under Tuition Equity. Learn more about Tuition Equity and other financial aid programs for undocumented students.