Undocumented Students (Dreamers/DACA)

Portland State University and the State of Oregon provide options for undocumented students to gain access to financial aid and other tuition resources. If you are a prospective student, we encourage you to explore how you'll pay for college using our Student Finance Timeline for Prospective Students.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA)

Undocumented students including DACA students are not eligible for federal financial aid (FAFSA). The Oregon Student Aid Application (ORSAA) is an alternative to the FAFSA for undocumented Oregon students, including students who have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status or Temporary Protected Status (TPS). By filing the ORSAA, eligible undocumented and DACA students in Oregon can get help paying for college through grants, scholarships, and tuition reduction. Follow this step-by-step guide for completing the ORSAA or contact ORSAA help for questions.


Undocumented students may be eligible for PSU scholarships and should apply through the PSU Scholarship Application

  • DREAMer's Road MapThe DREAMer's Road Map is an iPhone and Android mobile app that compiles various scholarships for Undocumented/DACA students.
  • My Undocumented Life: My Undocumented Life is great resource that compiles various scholarships throughout the nation for Undocumented or DACA students.
  • Latino Scholarship Program: Through a partnership with the Hispanic Chamber, the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), Meyer Memorial Trust, and individual donors, the Latino Scholarship Program was established to provide a long-term source of college scholarships for Latino students.

Tuition Equity

Tuition Equity (HB 2787, see details below) is a law providing students attending Oregon high schools greater access to higher education. It allows Portland State University to grant undocumented Oregon students the resident (in-state) tuition rate, if they meet specific criteria. Although applicants who qualify for Tuition Equity will be assessed resident tuition at Portland State University, a student’s formal residency classification does not change.

En Español: Ley de Equidad de Matricula


In order to qualify for the benefits provided by Tuition Equity, students must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Have studied in the United States for five years prior to graduating from high school (or receiving equivalent certification)
  • Have attended an Oregon high school for at least three years immediately preceding graduation or equivalent
  • Have graduated from an Oregon high school (or received equivalent certification)
  • Show intention to become a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident

Students who are financially dependent upon a person who is not a citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States are also eligible if they meet the same additional criteria.

How to Apply

To be considered for resident tuition, students must do the following:

  1. Apply to PSU
  2. On the Personal Information page of the admission application
    • Under Citizenship Status select "Non-US Citizen"
    • Answer “yes” to “Do you want to be considered for in-state tuition under HB 2787 (tuition equity)?"
  3. Complete the Tuition Equity Request for Exemption from Nonresident Tuition and Fees Affidavit
  4. Submit the form to the Residency Officer.


Prospective Students contact your admissions counselor.

Current Students who wish to be considered for resident tuition contact PSU's Residency Office.

HB 2787 

In 2013, Governor John Kitzhaber signed HB 2787 into law providing students attending Oregon high schools greater access to higher education. HB 2787 grants eligible students who are not citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States exemption from nonresident tuition if they meet specific criteria, meaning they will be assessed an in-state rate for tuition. Subsequently, Governor Kate Brown signed SB 932 in 2015 and HB 1563 in 2018, both of which removed several eligibility restrictions under HB 2787.