Tuition-Free Degree Policy

The Tuition-Free Degree (TFD) Program is an institutional aid program that covers standard tuition, differential tuition and mandatory fees for eligible Oregon students who enroll in at least 6 PSU credit hours at the undergraduate level.

Tuition-Free Degree funding covers standard tuition, differential tuition and mandatory fees associated with enrollment during standard academic terms (fall, winter, spring) for up to 225 attempted credits, or the completion of graduation requirements. 

The Tuition-Free Degree Program does not cover any of the following: 

  • On-campus Housing & Food
  • Books and Materials
  • Student Loan Fees
  • Other Living Expenses
  • Transportation or Parking
  • Health Insurance
  • Tuition, fees, or services associated with summer term enrollment, study abroad, or credits exceeding the 16 credit per term limit
  • Matriculation fee ($450)
  • Course fees (Charged to your student account based on course registration. This will vary by course and major.)
  • Online Course fee ($22 per credit)

Tuition-Free Degree funding is awarded to incoming and re-enrolling undergraduate resident students.


To qualify for TFD students must apply and submit all required documentation by the deadline for their intended start term: 

  • Fall Term: August 1
  • Winter Term: December 5
  • Spring Term: March 5

Applicants are responsible for completing the following tasks on or before Portland State’s application deadlines to be considered for TFD. 

  • Apply for undergraduate admission to, or re-enroll at, Portland State University
  • Submit your FAFSA to the U.S. Department of Education
    • Add PSU to your FAFSA (PSU school code: 003216)
      • Applicants: To ensure financial aid is available at the start of a term, PSU recommends applicants submit their FAFSA to the U.S. Department of Education and PSU at least 4 weeks in advance of the application deadline for their intended start term. 
  • Submit any outstanding financial aid documents requested by PSU’s Financial Aid Office 


To qualify for TFD students must meet the following criteria:

  1. Current resident of Oregon.
  2. Admissible to PSU or re-enrolling as a resident student. Students may start in any term, but the TFD program is only available in the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms.
  3. Eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
    1. Students who reach 600% Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) prior to matriculation, or who exhaust their Pell LEU, are not eligible for TFD. TFD will not be renewed following an academic year during which Pell LEU is exhausted. Students can login to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) using their FSA ID to view their Pell LEU. More information about Pell LEU may be found on the Federal Student Aid website 
  4. Enroll in at least 6 credits per term, including online academic programs.
  5. Applicants and re-enrolling students with college level coursework must have less than 225 total attempted credits.
  6. Co-enrolled students are only eligible for TFD when PSU is their “Home” institution for Financial Aid purposes.
    1. Co-enrollment credit hours at partner institutions do not count toward the 6 credit hour minimum that is required to receive TFD funding
    2. Students who alternate between PSU and co-enrollment partner institutions as their Home institution for Financial Aid may only receive TFD when PSU is their Home institution.

Awarding Process

Applicants are automatically considered for Tuition-Free Degree funding after they are admitted to the university, or re-enroll, and have submitted their FAFSA to PSU. Initial notification of eligibility will be sent to the email address provided on one’s application for admission. TFD funding is also visible on a student’s financial aid offer letter in their Financial Aid Dashboard. Initial awarding is based on information provided on one’s application for admission, and their Pell Grant status as determined by the FAFSA. Initial award amounts are calculated at 16 credit hours per term and are finalized at the end of the second week of the term when course registration closes.

Accepting and Receiving Tuition-Free Degree

Tuition-Free Degree eligibility is finalized based on documentation submitted to Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admissions prior to enrollment at PSU. In order to receive TFD students must do the following:

  • Maintain eligibility between initial awarding and submission of any final admissions and financial aid documents
  • Submit any outstanding financial aid documents and academic records by the TFD deadline associated with one’s intended start term
  • Submit the FAFSA and add PSU by the TFD deadline associated with one’s intended start term
  • Submit enrollment deposit and/or enrollment confirmation form to PSU by the enrollment confirmation deadline for one’s intended start term

Failure to complete any of the steps outlined above may result in forfeiture of Tuition-Free Degree funding

Maintaining Tuition-Free Degree

Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in the forfeiture of TFD funding:

  • Maintain status as an Oregon resident and undergraduate student at Portland State.
  • Complete the FAFSA and add PSU each year by August 1 to reaffirm TFD eligibility.
  • Remain eligible for, and receive, federal Pell Grant funding.
    • Students are considered for need-based aid on an annual basis and must continually meet eligibility criteria to remain in the TFD Program. Students must have less than 600% Pell LEU to maintain TFD eligibility.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at PSU.
    • If a student fails to meet SAP, they will retain the ability to qualify for TFD in succeeding terms during which they satisfy SAP requirements.
  • Remain below 225 total attempted credits across all institutions attended.
  • Enroll in at least 6 PSU undergraduate credits each standard academic term (fall, winter, spring).
    • Students who enroll in less than 6 credits prior to the financial aid census date (end of week two during an academic term) will lose TFD eligibility for that term. Institutional aid will be adjusted accordingly based on the total number of credits attempted. Students retain the ability to qualify for TFD in succeeding terms during which they enroll in at least 6 credit hours.
    • Credit hours from other institutions may not be used to satisfy the 6 credit hour minimum per term to retain TFD eligibility.
  • If circumstances require an enrolled student who is receiving TFD to be away from PSU for a term or more, and they have previously maintained PSU’s Satisfactory Academic Progress, they will retain their eligibility to receive TFD funds upon re-enrollment so long as they continue to be Pell eligible, have less than 225 total attempted credits, and meet all other TFD eligibility.
  • Keep address current and updated in their student account.