Currently Accolades: People for September 30, 2024

Graphic icon of three people
  1. Talya Bauer, Business faculty, was one of 13 inducted as Academy of Management Fellows for 2024.  
  2. Talya Bauer, Business faculty, was featured in the Ask the Experts segment of the article “Most & Least Stressed Cities in America (2024)” published on Jul. 8 in WalletHub.
  3. Óscar Fernández and Sonja Taylor, University Studies, and Karen Agustin Paz, University Studies student mentor, received PebblePad’s “#1 North American Customer: Portland State University” on behalf of PSU.
  4. Emily Fitzgibbons Shafer, Sociology faculty, served as Presider at the “Queer Families” roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
  5. Bennett Gilbert, History and Philosophy faculty, was quoted in the article “Two Major Academic Publishers Signed Deals With AI Companies. Some Professors Are Outraged” published on Jul. 29 in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
  6. Ulrich Hardt, Education professor emeritus, was awarded the NCTE Distinguished Service Award from NCTE, the national professional organization of English and literacy teachers.
  7. Shirley A. Jackson, Sociology faculty, has been elected Chair-Elect of the American Sociological Association’s Section on Sociological Practice & Public Sociology.
  8. Kimberly Kahn, Psychology faculty, has been elected president-elect for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) for 2024-25.
  9. Darrell Millner, Black Studies faculty emeritus, was honored for his contributions to the Black community on Sept. 12 by Community Development Partners (CDP) and Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI), at the grand opening of The Dr. Darrell Millner Building, a six-story affordable housing community located in the Overlook neighborhood.
  10. Cassio de Oliveira, World Languages and Literatures faculty, gave an interview to New Books Network about his first book, Writing Rogues: The Soviet Picaresque and Identity Formation, 1921-1938.
  11. Ken Ruoff, History faculty, was featured on The Child Psych Podcast to talk about his co-authored book “What is the Goal?: The Truth About the Youth Sports Industry.”
  12. Ken Ruoff, History faculty, taught an intensive, one-week course at Hokkaido University’s (Japan) Summer Institute about “How to Analyze Heritage Sites.”
  13. Dara Shifrer, Sociology faculty, facilitated the American Sociological Association’s Disability in Society Section’s business meeting, paper sessions, and reception in her role as Chair of the Section.
  14. Jack Straton, Physics and University Studies faculty, won Third Place among US artists working in all media at the “Beauty in the Ordinary" juried exhibition, 2024, AVA Community Art Center, in Gillette, Wyoming.
  15. Melissa Thompson and Aaron Roussell, Sociology faculty, and Kris Henning, Criminology & Criminal Justice faculty, were interviewed for a Street Roots story on crime, policing, and media in Portland.