Fall 2024 Syllabi

Dead/no link means no syllabus was turned in to us from that particular instructor.

SOC 200 001 - Introduction to Sociology - Josh Bass (online)

SOC 200 002 - Introduction to Sociology - Josh Bass 

SOC 200 004 - Introduction to Sociology - Tina Burdsall (online)

SOC 301 - Classical Theory - Jose Padin

SOC 314U - Alcohol & Other Drugs - Frances Stehle (online)

SOC 337U - Prejudice, Privilege, & Power - Shirley Jackson (online)

SOC 339U - Marriage & Intimacy - Emily Shafer (online)

SOC 344U - Gender & Sexualities - Frances Stehle (online)

SOC 370 - SOC of Deviancy - Barbara Imle (online)

SOC 380U - Sports in Society - Amy Lubitow (online)

SOC 396 - Social Statistics - Lindsey Wilkinson

SOC 397 - Social Research Methods - Melissa Thompson

SOC 407 - SEM: Pop Culture: Jordan Peele - Amy Lubitow 

SOC 417 - Law & Society - Aaron Roussell 

SOC 454 - Sociology Through Film - Shirley Jackson

SOC 461 - Sociology of the Family - Carolyn Zook (online)

SOC 465 - Environmental Sociology - Dan Jaffee (online)

SOC 507/607 - Professionalization - Aaron Roussell

SOC 537/637 - Qualitative Data Analysis - Dan Jaffee

SOC 586/686 - Topics in Health & Inequality - Tina Burdsall

SOC 590 - Social Research Strategies - Emily Shafer

SOC 591 - Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology - Jose Padin