
School of Social Work Accreditation 

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredits baccalaureate and master’s programs and uses the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) to develop accreditation standards that articulate program requirements to ensure competent educational preparation for professional social work practice. The CSWE Office of Social Work Accreditation (OSWA) follows an educational process that includes a program self-study, site visit, and the Commission on Accreditation COA review. 

The School of Social Work at Portland State University is the only public social work program in the state of Oregon that is accredited by CSWE. The School of Social Work offers two fully accredited degreed programs: a Bachelor of Social Work and a Master of Social Work. The Bachelor of Social Work Program was accredited in 2011 and reaffirmed in 2015 and the Master of Social Work Program was reaccredited in 2024. 

Master’s in Social Work Program

CSWE BOA Approval Letter 2024 (PDF) »

Child, Youth, and Family Studies Program

The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is the premier professional association for multidisciplinary understanding of families. Members’ interests – as diverse as their careers and backgrounds – are focused on topics and efforts that yield a common benefit: understanding and strengthening families.

Portland State University’s Child, Youth, and Family Studies program is an undergraduate major affiliated with NCFR at the national and regional levels. NCFR provides an internationally recognized certification for family life education professions: Certified Family Life Educator. This certification program encourages applications from professionals with preparation and experience in family life education settings including formal teaching, research/scholarship, community education, public information and education, curriculum and resource development, health care, military family support, and ministry. CFLEs have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, and many have advanced degrees.

The Child, Youth, and Family Studies program has been CFLE-approved through NCFR since 2009.

2019 NCFR CFLE Program Checklist:

CFLE Program Checklist »

2014 NCFR CFLE Approval Letter, Certificate, and Program Checklist:

CFLE Program Approval Letter (PDF) »

CFLE Program Certificate (PDF) »