Practicum Education Spotlights

Are you interested in preparing the next generation of social workers in your community? Hosting a social work student for a practicum placement is your opportunity!  

As the School of Social Work at Portland State University continues to grow and opportunities for social workers in the community expand, we're always on the lookout for agencies who'd like to host our qualified students for educational practicum placements.  Our students can bring knowledge and experience into your organization. 

To learn more, explore these powerful stories of social work students and their practicum instructors.


Practicum Instructor Jared Juett, LCSW and MSW graduate Cherann Beer told us about Cherann’s experience as an Advanced MSW intern at Aviva Health in Roseburg, Oregon.

Photo of Cherann Beer

2019-20 PRACTICUM SPOTLIGHT: Clackamas County Health Centers Medication Assisted Treatment

Practicum Instructor Cat Caruso is a social worker with Clackamas County’s primary care clinics. She works with the Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) programs. A relatively new program in Clackamas County, the MAT team works alongside primary care professionals in an integrated healthcare setting. A unique and dynamic internship opportunity, student Lynn Hager was able to observe the implementation of the service delivery aspects of the program, and move into direct practice serving the program participants.

Photo of Cat Caruso and Lynn Hager


Zoie Meyers and Maeve Swakhammer are two Advanced year Clinical MSW interns wrapping up their placements at CODA Inc, at the Hillsboro Recovery Outpatient Program, supervised by Danielle Berner, Senior Program Manager.

Lois, Victor, and Jacqueline, Clackamas County Social Services

Jacquelyn Najera and Victor Garcia both recently completed their 1st year of the Master of Social Work program practicum placements with Lois Orner at Clackamas County Social Services, in varying roles. What they found in Lois’ supervision style deepened and enhanced their individual and collective experiences in practicum in ways they could not have anticipated.

Learn More About Lois, Victor, and Jacqueline »

Brian and May, Independent Living Resources

“Find the humanity in every client you serve.”  “Look for evidence of resilience and reflect these qualities back to those you work with.”  These are just two pieces of advice that May Altman, LCSW, associate director of Independent Living Resources, shared with her student intern, Brian Nickerson, MSW ’17, this past year.

Learn More about Brian and May »

Image of Brian and May together

Beth and Katie, SMYRC Portland

"There are few places where lesbian, bisexual, and trans youth are safe to explore their sexuality and gender identities/roles. Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Resource Center (SMYRC) is one of those safe places," says Bethprana Novi, practicum instructor. Beth provided weekly educational supervision to MSW student Katie Borofka, supporting the development of her social work practice. 

Learn More about Beth and Katie »

Image of Beth and Katie holding SMYRC sign

JoAnn and Kara, Luke-Dorf Hillsboro

At the basis of every successful practicum placement is the relationship between the social work student and practicum instructor. The practicum instructor is the student’s supervisor, helping the student integrate theory into practice.  Meet JoAnn Dohn and Kara Radecki, student and practicum instructor partners at Luke-Dorf Hillsboro.

Learn More about JoAnn and Kara »

Field Spotlight: JoAnn and Kara, Luke Dorf Hillsboro