Meet the Student-Led PSU MSW Meet & Greet Committee!

Graphic promoting the MSW Meet and Greet Committee, with headshots and names of all the members

We are the student-led PSU MSW Meet & Greet Committee. Our goal has been to bring graduate students together, to cultivate a sense of community, fun, and networking as our journey toward social work continues. Since 2022, we've hosted five events — with more to come! 

We hope that you'll learn a bit more about us and know that we've been working, behind the scenes, to create joyful events and hopeful experiences despite the pressures of grad school.

Are you passionate about event planning and social gatherings? Join the student-led Meet & Greet Committee! Please email Hudson at with interest. We look forward to hearing from you!

My preferred name: Cristina (they/them)
Where I'm at in grad school: Second year in the three-year program
Field placement: I'm doing an employed field placement this year at Hacienda CDC. I enjoy applying concepts that we learn in lecture to my internship/job and vice versa--it makes learning so much easier and fluid. 
My post-graduation goals: I have no idea. Maybe a potential job doing macro work with the Hispanic community in Seattle? That could be cool. 
Why I plan Meet & Greets: It's so hard making friends as an adult. Most of the friends I've made so far also report feeling isolated and lonely, which is why I'm really glad to be a part of the Meet and Greet committee in helping to form more connections and friendships within our field. 

My preferred name: Noelle
Where I'm at in grad school: First year in the two-year program
Field placement: I'm interning with Portland Street Response this term. One thing I like about this placement is that I get to work collaboratively with other mental health crisis responders and with EMTs on an interdisciplinary team.
My post-graduation goals: After graduating from the program, I would like to be a therapist, although I have not narrowed down the specific setting or population that I would like to work with.
Why I plan Meet & Greets: I moved to Portland for this program so I am new to the city, and I have found that the Meet and Greet events are a great way to connect with other MSW students and to get advice from folx who are farther along in the program. I think these events are a great way to help MSW students feel included and welcome in the program, particularly for those who are new to Portland!

My preferred name: Stephanie Lopez-Niño (She/Her) 
Where I'm at in grad school: Advanced Standing
Field Placement: I am a courtesy research assistant at the U of O’s Prevention Science Institute. I greatly appreciate my two supervisors! They have been essential in my development as a social worker.  
My post-graduation goals: To obtain licensure and become a child/family therapist.  
Why I plan Meet & Greets: The friendships I've made this year have brought me so much joy. My hope as a committee member is to help create opportunities for MSW students to form their own supportive and meaningful relationships with other peers as well. 

My preferred name: Hudson
Where I'm at in grad school: Second year in the two-year program
Field placement: Veterans Affairs. I enjoy the deep therapeutic relationships I've made, as well as the window into some of the deepest human suffering. It's humbling.
My post-graduation goals: I want to be an oncology social worker. I want to use my gift at holding space for grief, hope, and compassion to support others.
Why I plan Meet & Greets: Relationships are everything and loneliness is an epidemic. I saw an opportunity to put my extroversion to good use and do something meaningful for my peers. I hope this demonstrates the unconditional positive regard, care, and intentionality I bring to my engagement with others and a desire to connect us.

Preferred Name: Janelle
Where I'm at in grad school: Second year in the two-year program
Field placement: LifeworksNW adult outpatient mental health. I love working with a variety of clients and the people have been really supportive. 
Post-graduation goals: Work in a community mental health setting, pursue licensure, and become involved in mutual-aid. And sleep more! 
Why I plan Meet & Greets: Grad school is wild and it can sometimes feel like you’re on your own. These events feel important in order to build community and cultivate relationships. And they’re just a good way to get to know people on a more personal level.