Practicum Education Frequently Asked Questions: Practicum Instructors

May students do a practicum where they work?

Yes, if the agency meets the requirements of the Employed Social Work (ESW) Option.

May students find their own practicum?

No. The practicum coordinator will work with the agency contact persons and the students to identify a suitable practicum.

May I interview several students to see which one is the best fit?

No. A practicum team member will select a student for you to interview whose interests and learning needs match your agency’s opportunities. After that interview, if both you and the student think it is a good fit, you should complete the Practicum Acceptance Form (available on the Practicum Instructor/Site Supervisor Web Center). If either party has reservations, this should be discussed immediately with a practicum team member.

How do I let students know they need a background check and/or a drug test?

The need for a criminal background check and/or drug test should be noted on the Practicum Acceptance Form, which will alert the student and practicum coordinator of this requirement. Detailed policies and procedures are in the Practicum Handbook on the Practicum Instructor / Site Supervisor Web Center.

May students be paid for their practicum?

Yes. If your agency wants to offer a stipend, please discuss this with a member of the SSW Practicum Team. Also, refer to the question above about the Employed Social Work (ESW) Option.

Are students covered by Professional Malpractice Insurance?

Yes. Portland State University provides general liability and professional malpractice insurance ($1 million per occurrence; $3 million aggregate) for students in practicum.

May I allow a student to do their practicum on weekends or in the evenings?

Yes, if social work services are normally offered during those times. Approved professional staff must be present and available to respond to student questions and needs, and to provide backup if necessary.

May a student stay in the same practicum for 2 years?

MSW students are typically assigned to a different practicum site and a different practicum instructor each year. Practicum provides an opportunity to become exposed to new systems, populations, practicum instructors, and approaches to practice.

If an MSW student proposes a second practicum in the same agency, their second proposal must demonstrate how this opportunity would provide new, different, and/or deeper learning that aligns with their advanced concentration in order to be approved. When possible, the proposal would also include a new social work practicum instructor.

How many hours do students commit to practicum?

BSW and first year MSW students commit to 12 hours/week in their practicum for a total of 400 hours. Final year/Advanced MSW students are expected to spend 16 hours/week in their practicum for a total of 500 hours. Students' practicum schedules are individually negotiated with their practicum instructors and must not conflict with their classroom schedule.

When does practicum start and end?

Placements begin the first week of PSU’s fall term and end the final week of spring term. See the Practicum Calendar for more important dates.

May a student begin the practicum early or attend an agency orientation or training prior to the beginning of the fall term?

Yes. The student must submit, and get approved, a written request to a SSW Practicum Coordinator detailing the date and reason for the early start, and the proposed activities and hours (no more than 40 hours total).

May workshops or trainings outside the practicum agency count toward required practicum hours?

Yes, if it is relevant to the student’s learning goals and approved by you. Generally, up to 40 hours per year is the maximum number of training hours approved. Consult with your faculty liaison for clarification.

What if a student misses a day or the agency is closed on a student's practicum day?

If a student misses a day of practicum, they must schedule makeup hours to fulfill the required hours per term.

What if I miss supervision one week?

Please make sure the student has supervisory support while you are gone. If you expect to miss more than one week, discuss a plan for supervision with the student and faculty liaison.

Who can provide group supervision? May interns from non-social work programs be in the group?

The person offering the supervision must be a practicum instructor approved by a SSW Practicum Coordinator. Non-social work interns may be included in group supervision.