A Call to Action in Solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement

As agents of change, researchers, educators, social workers, and people working with children, youth, and families, we stand in solidarity and uplift the calls to action shared by Black Lives Matter and other  movements for racial justice, radical healing, and structural change. The systemic violence, police  brutality, and, specifically, the murders of Black men, women, trans, and non-binary community  members has been happening continuously and across generations through multiple forms of oppression. The violence that we have collectively witnessed over the last several years has pushed many of us to our breaking points. At this moment, many of us are questioning how and why and what we can do to disrupt and resist these systems of terror and harm. We believe that all of us have a role to play in dismantling the systems of racialized violence and intersectional oppression whether through redistributing funds, protesting, mutual aid, spiritual work, engaging hard conversations with loved ones, and holding space for self-care, healing, rage, and grief.

We must acknowledge the on-going impacts of anti-Blackness, not only on Black communities, but on all racialized communities, and we must directly say: BLACK LIVES MATTER in Portland, in our  SSW community. We must also act. 

We call on our community to deepen our commitments and take action.

Areas of Action

1. Support Black healing and liberation

  • Love and support our Black colleagues, students, and ourselves. Make space for meaningful  community and relationship.
  • Create and sustain safe, healing, responsive spaces for counseling, advising, and mentorship by  and for Black members of our community.
  • Direct people to, fund, and amplify resources for and by Black mental health and community  health providers.
  • Recruit and, more importantly, retain (through on-going mentorship, and systemic as well as  interpersonal support) Black students, faculty, field instructors, and staff across our programs.

2. Interrupt anti-Blackness everywhere

  • Deepen our commitment to anti-racist, justice-centered curriculum and pedagogy, including actively centering the voices of Black students, scholars, activists, and educators in our classrooms.
  • Build more meaningful and reciprocal relationships with Black communities and Black-led organizations, and invest in repairing harms caused by PSU and the SSW.
  • Address anti-Blackness within our own communities, including colorism and the violent intersections of white supremacy, capitalism, settler colonialism, ableism, and heteropatriarchy.
  • (Re)commit to self-educating, and to disrupting oppression on multiple levels, including in our  own homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces.

3. Make an increased commitment to transformative action and social change

  • Leverage our research and practice, in collaboration with students and community, to advance racial justice on micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
  • Encourage students to center racial justice activism into their academic learning, through their Field Education Plans, independent studies, and other learning opportunities.
  • Commit to decarceration and demilitarization of police forces in Oregon, including PSU. Support movements that divest in policing and reinvest in community-based solutions. #DisarmPSU.
  • Help to sustain local and national movements for Black liberation through financial and practical support.

We have heard many requests from faculty, staff, and students for ways to be in community with one another. We hope to join you in creating spaces for healing, sharing strategies, and  taking collective action in the days, weeks, and years ahead. In the meantime, we call on each of us to  consider how we deepen our efforts to support Black healing and liberation, interrupt anti-Blackness, and advance transformative action in our own lives and work.

There are many, many resources available to you online, through the SSW, and in your community,  including: places to donate to, calls to action, and educational resources for white folks, non-Black POC, and Black folks. Seek them out!

Even though we are in a particular historical moment, remember that the current violence is steeped in anti-Blackness, and has deep historical and systematic roots. Our work is ongoing and we must continue to center anti-Blackness and social justice efforts for the duration. 

Resources for Your Social Justice Work

Support Black healing and liberation

28 Organizations that Empower the Black Community

Portland African American Leadership Forum

Black Resilience Fund (Portland)

BIPOC Mental Health Provider Database (Portland area)

Interrupt anti-Blackness

Black and Asian Feminist Solidarity Reading List

White Fragility

Addressing anti-Blackness in Latinx Communities

Take Action

Ways You Can Help

Week of Action in Defense of Black Lives

FAQ: Police Free Future

26 Ways to Be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets


How Can We Win: Kimberly Jones (Video, 7 min)

ED Talks: Dr. Keith Stanley Brooks “Critical Race Theory – Fact vs. Feeling” (Video, 17 min)

Critical Race Theory: Dr. Randy Johnson (Video, 12 min)


Leading with Race: Are We Talking Racial Equity or Equity?

Local and Regional Government Alliance on Race and Equity: Why Lead with Race?

The Atlantic: The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America

2017 Students of Color Collective: Expectations for the School of Social Work 
(provides some historical context of student activism around racism within the School of Social Work)

Opinion – Dear White People: It’s Time to Listen and Act

Tema Okun: White Supremacy Culture

Additional resources for ongoing learning/unlearning

Anti-racism resources: A comprehensive list of podcasts, films, documentaries and readings

EPIC’s comprehensive reading list (requires ODIN login)

Black Lives Matter: Anti-racism resources for social workers and therapists

SWCares: Social work so white with Rachel Cargle

COVID-19 journalists of color racial equity focused articles

Mia Mingus: Leaving evidence blog

Seattle Times: Under our skin

Critical questions for future reflection

  1. Where have you seen the pull towards othering inside yourself? Your organization? Your community?
  2. Who have you been socialized to see as dangerous? What sources of knowledge do you give the benefit of the doubt; what sources do you find yourselves more likely to question?
  3. How can we grapple with our own complicity within systems of oppression, and maintain care for ourselves?
  4. In the face of inevitable heartbreaks, losses, and tragedies, how do we hold space for one another's grief, inside and outside of the classroom?
  5. How do we honor the different ways members of our community may need to grieve – in private, in public, apart, together, in ritual, in spontaneous expressions? How do we respect our peer's need to not grieve, or not grieve together?
  6. What practices help you imagine? What helps you keep a spirit of possibility alive? What might we do/do more of/in our learning communities to create spaces of imagining together?