Nicia Delurey

PSU Russian Flagship Alumni

Honors and Awards: Post Secondary Russian Scholar Laureate Award, Portland Community College (2017), David L. Boren Scholarship (2020)

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?
I would like to find employment at the State Department, working on improving relations between the governments of Russia and the US.

What attracted you to the PSU Russian Flagship?
When I came to the Flagship program, I had already studied Russian for two years, and I knew that I loved the language. PSU’s Russian Flagship program will allow me to gain the highest level of proficiency that I could from an undergraduate program.

What’s the best aspect of being in the PSU Russian Flagship?
In my opinion, the best thing about this program is the number of resources that are available. The professors are always willing to help, and there are tutors, clubs, and events all relating to Russian.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you?
Fluency in Russian is important to me because it will help me not only to be able to communicate with people in Russian but also to better understand the culture. There is a lot of tension and misunderstanding between our two countries, and I think that working to see things from the other point of view is critical to resolving this.

  • BA in Russian (2022)
  • BA Political Science (2022)
  • Minor International Studies (2022)
  • Advanced Proficiency in Russian Certificate (2022)