PDX Code Guild

PDX Code Guild

In a world that is growing ever more connected by smart devices, where many high-wage jobs require complex software programs, and over 3.5 billion people use smartphones, there is a demand for highly skilled programmers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for a computer programmer in 2019 was $86,550 per year. And the sector employed over 200,000 Americans.

PDX Code Guild is a school that teaches computer programming skills to adults seeking to break into the technology sector or advance their technical roles within their current company. Students enrolled in PDX Code Guild programs undergo an intensive training program, learning Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, Database design, APIs, and more. The school offers programs for beginners and those with developed programming skills.

“We are a programming boot camp,” said Sheri Dover, founder, and director of PDX Code Guild. “We take students with little to moderate experience in programming, and in fifteen-twenty weeks they’re job-ready.”

PDX Code Guild offers a suite of courses available during the day and evening to accommodate a wide range of student needs. As Dover notes, the school provides qualified instructors that give individualized support. Other resources include access to teaching assistants, study halls, and ongoing support after graduation. The school has worked to make bootcamp as affordable as possible by partnering with a variety of organizations to provide financial aid such as Veterans’ benefits, a zero-down no-loan income-based repayment plan, diversity and needs-based discounts, and more. 

Before the pandemic onset, students took classes at PDX Code Guild’s location within the Portland State Business Accelerator. Classes replicated the workplace experience, providing a learning environment similar to real jobs. With gatherings limited to small groups, the Code Guild has adapted to delivering instruction remotely, while offering the same level of support to its students.

“We have a proven track record for individuals who are serious about becoming the best in the field,” Dover said. “We help our students go beyond the basics and acquire the skills they need to succeed in the high-tech industry.”

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